Willdan works side-by-side with our clients to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and credibility by providing strategies to generate revenue, augment administrative capacity, and foster vibrant businesses and communities. We regularly connect clients to project financing opportunities such as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), on-bill financing, grants, and rebates and incentives offered by local utilities or outside programs. We can help scope the right materials and labor for a project, incorporate energy-saving measures that offset costs, and perform feasibility studies to assess revenue-making options for community choice aggregation and microgrid projects.
We provide financial expertise in consulting counties and administration services for special financing districts. Our expertise includes post-issuance compliance reporting, with specific attention to requirements for continuing disclosure and arbitrage rebate. We also provide rate studies and asset valuations support, as well as software expertise to support financial assessment, reporting, and energy grid planning.
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For Property Owner Inquiries, click here.
For Financial Services reporting pages, visit Online Reports and Data.