Civil Engineering Design

Services to public sector clients

Serving Cities with Civil Engineering

Willdan’s highly respected highway, roadway, and traffic engineers deliver award-winning projects to local, state, and federal agencies, as well as private clients. Our team applies innovative civil engineering and field expertise in roadway, water/wastewater system and stormwater management projects to solve infrastructure challenges. We provide comprehensive transportation and traffic engineering services in all phases of project development, from grant funding applications to concept development, GIS, final design, and design/build. We consult on the intelligent, integrated systems required to deliver smarter cities, harnessing the power of new technologies to optimize operations and reduce risks. Whether you need a specialized service or a turnkey solution, Willdan is here to help.

Highlighted Projects

South Gate Firestone Blvd

City of South Gate, CA

Firestone Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement

This $18 million project, recently awarded an APWA B.E.S.T. award, increased the number of lanes from four to six and improved gateway intersections. It featured a signature gateway design at six major intersections, pedestrian lighting, street furniture, and landscape. Our design recommended the localized removal and replacement of failed roadway, installed landscaped and hardscaped medians with drought-resistant plants, a lighting system, groundwater recharge facilities, and ADA-compliance upgrades to curb ramps and paths. The project also included traffic signal modifications, a bus shelter, bus turnout, signal synchronization, pedestrian countdown heads, parking study, and a traffic signals warrant study.

Transportation Management and Operations Plan sample map

City of Inglewood, CA

Transportation Management and Operations Plan for NFL Stadium

Willdan is developing a Transportation Management and Operations Plan (TMOP) for the new NFL Stadium being constructed in Inglewood, CA. The TMOP will provide public information, minimize traffic congestion, reduce unwarranted traffic through surrounding neighborhoods, promote the use of alternative modes of transportation, and manage traffic on event days. We have worked closely with the City of Inglewood and numerous stakeholders to implement components of the TMOP for the NFL Stadium’s July 2020 opening. The TMOP is a living document that will be updated over time as infrastructure and transit improvements change traffic and parking patterns.