California Energy Design Assistance Program

California Energy Design Assistance Program

Providing intelligent energy analysis to assist customers to make informed energy decisions

Willdan is the implementation contractor for the California Energy Design Assistance Program (CEDA). The program has served facilities across California since August of 2021, replacing the Savings by Design (SBD) program to further new construction energy efficiency. CEDA provides energy analysis for different energy efficiency options for commercial, public, industrial, agricultural, and high-rise multifamily (4+ stories) buildings in PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, and SDG&E service territories. Our energy specialists conduct intelligent energy analyses early in the project design phase, tailoring recommendations to maximize long-term savings potential and incentives. CEDA allows customers to make informed decisions to achieve lifelong energy savings for their buildings.

See CEDA Video

Download CEDA Flyer


  • In early design phases
  • Located in a PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, or SDG&E service territories with an eligible rate structure
  • Project team interest and committed to evaluating energy efficiency options
  • New construction or a major alteration*

    *Major alterations must meet one or more of the following criteria:

    • Changes in space function (building or space occupancy type change)
    • Substantial changes (≥30%) in design occupancy (square feet per person)
    • Increase (≥10%) in conditioned floor area
    • Any expansion or addition of substantial process or conditioning load to an existing facility

Covered Sectors

  • Commercial
  • Public
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • High-rise multifamily (4+ stories)